
Monday, September 22, 2014

Know the three lies keeping you from living the life you were destined to live!

The Law of Attraction
is a LIE!


 Today it seems like it's no surprise, the rich seem to keep getting richer and the poor seem to get poorer. The jobs nowadays treat you like a number and barely pay enough to live off of. Everything has seemed to move to a phase of strictly survival! Either you are making money, struggling to make money or just surviving.

If this sounds like your current situation and you are one of the one's that's struggling and/or just surviving, read on!

There are many of us out here today working jobs we don't like, working long hours and/or multiple jobs paying minimal wages trying to make ends meet. Try to understand, it's like rubbing two pennies together trying to make $100 dollars. We make the ultimate sacrifices not only to our families and loved ones but to ourselves as well because we now don't have the time to spend together or alone! It seems like the more you/we work the less money and time you/we have. Eventually you get burned out while hoping and waiting for some type of breakthrough!

Are you doing what matters most in your life right now?
What matters most to you right now?
What type of breakthrough would you like to have right now?


If you could experience one or more of these breakthroughs:

What would Your life look like?
How would you live your life?
What things would You do now that you couldn't before?

Right now you or maybe someone you know are working a job that you or they don't like and are waiting for that one breakthrough moment!

Now let me ask you this:

What are the things standing between you and your complete happiness?
What's stopping you from doing something new?
What would you do differently now if you could?
What do you want most out of life?
What is truly stopping you from having your breakthrough?

I remember a while ago I had a good paying job. It was providing for me and my family and we were pretty well off. I thought I was on top of the world! Bills were paid, we could get whatever we wanted no matter the price and we could basically sleep at night with the piece of mind all was well! Although everything seemed good, I really didn't pay any attention to the one thing I didn't have, time! All I did was work, work, work! Although I enjoyed my job I always had a longing for wanting to pursue my dream and passion of being a Investment Researcher/Analyst.

Then the economy tanked and I lost my job when the company closed. In this moment I realized several things:

-I never got to see my kids grow because I worked  so much.
-My body was almost broken down because I made it a priority to be at work, sick or not.
-My emotional state was jacked up because I became dependent on working for someone else instead of pursuing my dream to be my own boss.

Although there were things lost, I felt I could easily make it up. We were living off the money I had saved while trying to pay off as much debt as we could. I knew immediately we would need some sort of income coming in soon. I thought about going back to work but most of the jobs out here aren't even paying enough for 1 person to survive let alone a whole family! I wanted to find something that was passive so I could pursue my dream and passion. I resorted to buying into most of those get-rich-quick opportunities and "let me show you how to make" blah blah blah. I even did that whole Law of Attraction thing after watching that Secret dvd. After paying all the money for books, cds, dvds, counseling, hypnosis and seminars the only thing I got was more debt. I was losing everything around me so fast that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

It was during this close breakdown that I actually experienced a REAL breakthrough! I came across  this "Experience Your Abundance Breakthrough Now"  recording by this guy named Bill. I was skeptical and hesitant at first because of all the other stuff I had tried but I'm glad I changed my mind. I was listening to his audio and it felt like he knew my whole situation. I really related to him because of his poverty to abundance story. He reveals the three lies that are keeping you in poverty and how you can learn the truth and break free doing one powerful technique! Once you know these three lies, your life will change dramatically! After listening to his very powerful interview several times I decided to contact Bill at his personal contact information he left at the end of his recording.

Getting this recording, contacting Bill and following his advice was the best advice I have ever got! When I say my life changed, WOW, I cant find a single word that describes how I feel and how my whole life experience currently is. I have breakthrough after breakthroughs. It seems like I won the universal lottery jackpot and just keep winning it! I now have a lifestyle greater than I had working for someone else. Have you ever had the experience of total freedom? Well that's my current situation. I am no longer tied down with a "job". I'm living my dreams and passions! I no longer dedicate 8-12 hours a day, 5-7 days a week to someone who looks at me like a number and pays me what they think I'm worth! Have you ever asked yourself how much you and your time are worth? I get to make that decision myself and came to my own conclusion, My time and worth is priceless! This guy Bill is truly amazing! I am now TRULY living the life I want with no limitations thanks to listening to Bills recording and taking his advice! Imagine yourself using the same advice that I got from Bill, advice that actually produces the REAL results,and using that same advice to start living the life you were destined to live! What are you waiting for??

Now I will ask you again:

What type of breakthrough are you anticipating?


Now let me ask you this again:

What are the things standing between you and your complete happiness?
What's stopping you from doing something new?
What would you do differently now if you could?
What do you want most out of life?
What is truly stopping you from having your breakthrough?

I'm sharing this story with you because either You or someone you may know may be seeking to make some REAL changes in your or their life with Real results!! If you are ready for those changes, You really need to listen to Bills "Experience Your Abundance Breakthrough Now!" recording!

You only get one life so why not let Bill help you make the best of it!

It's never too late to start over. If you weren't happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don't stay stuck. Do better.

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