
Monday, September 22, 2014

Know the three lies keeping you from living the life you were destined to live!

The Law of Attraction
is a LIE!


 Today it seems like it's no surprise, the rich seem to keep getting richer and the poor seem to get poorer. The jobs nowadays treat you like a number and barely pay enough to live off of. Everything has seemed to move to a phase of strictly survival! Either you are making money, struggling to make money or just surviving.

If this sounds like your current situation and you are one of the one's that's struggling and/or just surviving, read on!

There are many of us out here today working jobs we don't like, working long hours and/or multiple jobs paying minimal wages trying to make ends meet. Try to understand, it's like rubbing two pennies together trying to make $100 dollars. We make the ultimate sacrifices not only to our families and loved ones but to ourselves as well because we now don't have the time to spend together or alone! It seems like the more you/we work the less money and time you/we have. Eventually you get burned out while hoping and waiting for some type of breakthrough!

Are you doing what matters most in your life right now?
What matters most to you right now?
What type of breakthrough would you like to have right now?


If you could experience one or more of these breakthroughs: